Friday, September 28, 2007

talkin buat M

tanah ini kontang pecah merekah
alir air dari hulu sejuk menusuk
segala rasa memakan segala bisa
kini hanya membawa dosa durja
hampas nafsu kuasa yang terleka
lekat bagai nanah kering di bawah
hangat mentari

dirampok dikoyak tanah ini rabak
anakanak bangsa berbagai rasa
dalam kancah tidak menentu
nun dipuncak menara berdiri segak
tergelak berpeluk tubuh bagai berhala suasa
mata buta dalam fikiran buntu
membawa sesat

terbaring bagai murahan
dikatil perawan rakus diterkam
diramas ganas mata terpejam
tak mampu kau menerjang
jalang yang menyerang

siapa Tuhanmu
kuasa ketuaku
siapa penghulumu
ketamakan panduanku
apa kitabmu
hati kujunjung

semadi lah kau
nesan hitam


1 comment:

Noreen said...

Dear Art,

Who is M?

I've been following your poems, especially on the Dara series. You seem to like to use the rape of the virgin metaphor. There are loads of "merakus" being used here and there.

May I know why? Sorry, but isnt that disturbing?

Anyways, I find this poem interesting. I like it so I hope you dont mind me analysing.

The poems started with earth. Earth relates the beginning of the creation of human beings because thats what we are made of.

Earth in this poem is described as kontang merekah and the interference of water made it worse. it made earth cold and hurt. water to my mind is a healer but here,when water comes into contact with earth, it feels like pus after it dries.

The suppuratic earth is now torn and chaotic with purposeless youth.

Then you talk about a mother being raped and the person watching the raped helplessly.

mother symbolizes beginning, love, nature as in mother nature but when your mother is raped and you cant do anything, the only thing that comes to mind is devastation.

Then this poems goes to ask the questions when we meet our God and ends by this person, siraming the batu nesan.

earth is now back to earth. I sense hopelessness in the ending.
So M died devastated and hopeless.

Am I right? Sorry if I got it wrong. I do like to read more of your poems tho.